The Pego-Oliva Marsh Nature Reserve is located on the coast between the provinces of Valencia and Alicante, and covers a surface area of 1290 hectares. This marsh land was declared regional nature reserve in 1994. The marsh land is situated at the south of the gulf of Valencia and is one of the most important biodiversity areas of the Mediterranean coast. It is perhaps the most important wet zone of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It is surrounded by the Mostalla, Migdia and Segària mountain ranges, forming a horseshoe shape open to the sea, in the centre of which lies the marsh. It is fed by the waters of the Bullent-Vedat rivers in the north and the Racons-Molinell rivers in the south and by the Mostalla and Segaria aquifers. A network of ancient irrigation ditches and canals transport water from underground sources through the marsh, which gushes from tributaries and springs known in the area as ullals.
Its great relevance has furthermore meant that this marsh is also included in the Ramsar Agreement (1971) for worldwide protection of wetlands, as well as being a zone for special protection for birds (ZEPA zone) and forming part of the European Economic Community's Natura 2000 Network.

Photo: Ajuntament d´Oliva
Consult the organized activities
Consult the organized activities
78 San Rafael street
03780 Pego (Alicante)
Phone. 96 640 08 43